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  • A Pragmatic Higher Power in AA.

    A Pragmatic Higher Power in AA.

    A Revolution in Recovery: The Higher Power Concept One of the most significant innovations that Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) introduced to the world of recovery was the concept of a “Higher Power.” This elastic term, which could accommodate nearly any belief, even disbelief, has endured for almost a century, setting AA apart. Historical Examination of Belief…

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  • AA: Simple and Effective?

    AA: Simple and Effective?

    Doubting AA’s Efficacy Every meeting draws me back to the recurring thought, “Why isn’t AA more successful than it is?” The Firm Belief in AA Sharing such a thought often leads to strong opinions from AA members, defending the program’s efficacy based on personal experiences or broad statements like, “It’s the best solution for alcoholism!”…

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  • Virtual AA Meetings – Trust?

    Virtual AA Meetings – Trust?

    The Journey to Sobriety: Trust as a Lynchpin Trust played a crucial role in my journey towards sobriety. It was through learning to trust, first a few sober people, then a group, a sponsor, and finally a program of recovery, that I achieved decades of a sober life. In this regard, trust serves as the…

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  • AA’s ‘Big Book’ Anachronistic?

    AA’s ‘Big Book’ Anachronistic?

    The AA “Book Thumpers” Phenomenon It’s an inevitability in AA recovery journey: you’ll encounter those known as “book thumpers” in AA meetings. These well-meaning members strongly advocate the AA ‘Big Book’ as the ultimate authority on recovery matters, dissecting it line by line. The ‘AA Fundamentalists’: A Parallel to Religious Zealotry These “book thumpers” are…

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  • AA: Is Tough Love Relevant?

    AA: Is Tough Love Relevant?

    The Shift in Tone in AA Meetings In the earlier days of AA, the practice of “tough love and ego smashing” was common. Today, this approach has largely given way to a softer, more compassionate tone. While some members favor this change, others do not. This change from a more abrasive atmosphere, characterized by jocularity…

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  • AA: Challenges During COVID

    AA: Challenges During COVID

    We find ourselves in unprecedented times, sailing through uncharted waters. Claims of crystal clear visions for the coming weeks, months, or even beyond, are merely illusions. The current situation demands a day-by-day approach, adapting to the unfolding scenario. But the question remains – how can we navigate these uncertain times? Here are two strategies I’m…

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  • A Guide for AA Zoom Meetings

    A Guide for AA Zoom Meetings

    As physical meetings take a pause, many AA members are seeking the support and sobriety offered by virtual meetings. For many, this is an uncharted territory. This post aims to shed light on the positive and challenging aspects of video conferencing for AA, along with tips to help newcomers contribute to a successful meeting. Embracing…

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  • AA and COVID-19: A Guide

    AA and COVID-19: A Guide

    NOTE – THIS WAS WRITTEN JUST BEFORE CHANGES IN PUBLIC GATHERING WERE ENACTED. Introduction: As COVID-19 continues to reshape our lives, AA members are grappling with how to maintain sobriety and continue the support offered by meetings while ensuring their safety, particularly as many members are at a higher risk due to age. This article…

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  • Alcoholics Anonymous: Newcomer Guide

    Alcoholics Anonymous: Newcomer Guide

    Introduction Are you feeling confused after your first AA meeting, sent by the courts, your psychologist, or your employer, and unsure of what to expect? Or, perhaps, you’ve happened upon a meeting by chance and are left wondering, “What exactly is happening here?” This post is tailored for you! The Nature of AA AA, which…

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