To Err is Human – Deal With It!

The Inevitability of Being Wrong

It’s significant to note that Step Ten of the 12-Step Program says, “WHEN we were wrong,” not “IF we were wrong.” This statement is more than just a semantic detail; it highlights the inevitable reality of human fallibility. No matter how sincerely we engage in spirituality or how rigorously we adhere to our recovery program, we will make mistakes. We will falter in our thoughts and actions repeatedly, not because we’re inadequate, but simply because we’re human.

Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates once claimed that the acknowledgment of our capacity to be wrong is the beginning of wisdom. Recognizing our own fallibility is the first step toward personal growth and transformation.

The Liberation of Admitting Our Mistakes

Admitting when we’re wrong can be one of the most liberating actions we can take. This acknowledgment not only promotes self-awareness but also cultivates humility, strengthening our relationships both at work and home.

Consider someone who always insists on being right about everything. Interactions with such individuals can be exhausting, as their refusal to admit errors often leads to unnecessary conflict and tension. Conversely, someone who can openly admit their mistakes is more approachable, easier to communicate with, and generally more pleasant to be around.

The Importance of Focusing on What’s Right

A wise friend once shared a valuable perspective with me: rather than focusing on who is right, we should emphasize what is right. This simple shift in perspective can lead to a more peaceful and effective life.

When we prioritize being right over doing what’s right, we lose sight of the bigger picture and get entangled in needless power struggles. However, when we put our egos aside and focus on the truth of the matter, we contribute to a harmonious environment where cooperation and mutual respect can thrive.

In conclusion, admitting our mistakes isn’t a sign of weakness, but a powerful demonstration of humility and wisdom. By acknowledging our fallibility and focusing on what is right, we can lead more fulfilling lives, build stronger relationships, and progress more effectively in our recovery journey.

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